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I have a sincere belief in the inter-connectedness of everything.

We are integral to this creation in action that some of us call “God/Goddess”.

The God/Goddess speaks to its constituents through art,
events and personal experience.

Take a look back on your life.

See that it has been a path that is quite obvious.

Think briefly of all the small things that directed the choices
you made to get you to this moment.
You will clearly see that you have been guided.

Guided by what?

I believe the guide is a spiritual aspect of our self
we sometimes call God/Goddess or Great Spirit.

This force is part of every event no matter how small.

Some people believe we have separated from direct experience
of this force by believing that this force is ‘other’.

An other which is almost ‘alien’ to them.

Whilst humanity believes in a separation of itself from its spiritual aspect, the ‘alien other’ will appear in whatever form necessary to allow for an experience or understanding that will create space for the inclusion of the Spiritual part of ourselves.

An unusual past form was the Christian Jesus… and a most modern form of this ‘alien other’ is the U.F.O. and extraterrestrial entities.

I feel we are at a time in history where we are about to be
born as a new form of consciousness.

I have no idea of what form this change in ourselves will take except
that it will include all states of being in every dimension.

My art is a reflection of these beliefs

An opening of a dialogue between our selves and this ‘alien other’.

A healing of this perceived ‘broken’ connection.

In time we will clearly see that this “alien other” is but another aspect
of our multidimensional selves that we chose to separate from
and that all that is – is fundamentally a creation of love.

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