So Much For The Hippie Apocalypse Of 2012

“Some will finally get responsible rather than relying on future events to absolve them of responsibilities”

I wrote that to a friend over Skype as a comment on the ‘raising of consciousness’ that was meant to be part of the oncoming change which for all I can see is the christian apocalypse in a different format of presentation.

You see human’s for whatever reason like to velcro themselves to ideas that remove responsibility of being here and now.

The beauty of that is that they then enable themselves to be more assholy in the present as there is no future any way.

In reality the addiction to future events is an escape from the now…

It’s being sold to us in so many ways via popular culture…

Just take a look at your television…

When you are finally HOT, RICH, FAMOUS and POPULAR you will be worthy. Until then you are a pointless mote on the face of mother earth wasting resources as the popular communist green agenda will want you to believe.

If we stop believing in these cultural mythologies that are presented to keep us in close to absolute terror then we might just ‘be here now’ which in essence a lot simpler and more powerful of a moment to be in.

I’d like to call it conspiracy that this denigration of your personal experience is ongoing although there is choice involved in looking into it or denying it is actually happening.

If you turn on your tv and applaud being treated like an utter moron who else is to blame in that instance?

Any subscription to an idea you haven’t fully investigated yourself is a reliquishing of responsibility to self.

The coming hippie apocalypse of 2012 is one of those ideas… it isn’t going to happen as it was only ever an idea… outside of that it’s your choice to believe and disperse it… or not.

I look forward to the new era of no era or forth coming revelation… at least it will be a time for most of us to ‘get real’ rather than playing along in a bullshit role that isn’t in essence our personal belief or understanding.

May curiousity be your tool of enlightenment.


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